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8 Reasons Why Coconut Sugar Should be Your Business' go-to Sweetener

As society becomes increasingly health-conscious, it is imperative that we adapt our restaurants, bakeries, and CPG brands accordingly. This brings us to the ultimate challenge: how can we please the growing number of consumers who are trying to avoid refined sugars yet still want their food sweetened in some (preferably natural) way? The answer: Covico coconut sugar!

Now available to purchase in individual bulk bags, Covico coconut sugar is the highest-quality version of this healthful sugar replacement that you’ll find on the market. Along with being delicious, consistent, and more nutritious than other sweeteners, Covico coconut sugar is incredibly sustainable and supportive of the communities we source it from. Here are 8 reasons why every business, from small restaurants to large CPG brands, should be using Covico coconut sugar as your go-to sweetener.

Coconut Sugar is a 1:1 Sugar Replacement and Easy to Use

Coconut sugar is a very versatile sweetener option as it can be used as a 1:1 replacement for cane sugar. This means that coconut sugar can be used in any formulation or recipe that would normally include refined sugar. Covico coconut sugar is the perfect sweetener in everything from soups and curries, to baked goods, to cocktails, and much more!

Coconut Sugar Has a Lower Glycemic Index Than Other Popular Sweeteners

Along with being an easy substitute for white sugar, coconut sugar also is a better-for-you alternative to refined sugars such as cane sugar and honey. Studies show that diets with a high glycemic index are associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and death. Coconut sugar has a glycemic index of 35, which is significantly lower than the index of 65 in cane sugar and 55 in honey.

Coconut Sugar Contains Several Vitamins and Minerals Due to no Heavy Processing

Covico coconut sugar does not undergo heavy processing like cane sugar does; we simply tap the flower blossoms on the coconut palm trees, boil the nectar, and then mill the sap into granules. This result is our 100% single-ingredient coconut sugar which retains several vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, calcium, potassium, and short-chain fatty acids. Additionally, Covico coconut sugar is low in calories, with only 15 calories in every 4 grams.

Covico Coconut Sugar Has a Consistent Color and Taste

Coconut sugar can vary tremendously in color, taste, and consistency, and should not be treated as a commodity. At Covico, we guarantee the highest levels of quality and consistency in every batch of our evaporated coconut nectar. Each batch of Covico coconut sugar that you purchase is guaranteed to be identical in every way!

Choosing Coconut Sugar as Your Sweetener Promotes Water Preservation

Coconut sugar, which comes from the flower of coconut palm trees, does not require any water in addition to natural rainfall. Sugarcane, on the other hand, is an incredibly thirsty crop with a global average water footprint of 1782 liters of water per 1 kg of sugar produced. This is equivalent to about 2 years’ worth of drinking water for 1 person.

Coconut Sugar Enhances Biodiversity Without Requiring Cleared Land

Since coconut sugar derives from coconut palm trees, it requires zero additional land and contributes to soil health. Coconut palm trees grow naturally from fallen coconuts, and therefore they do not require any land to be cleared while adding to the surrounding biodiversity. Coconut palm trees also require no pesticides and no artificial fertilizers, making them an even more sustainable crop. Bringing awareness to the sustainability of coconut sugar is more important now than ever, as a report by WWF, titled “Sugar and the Environment,” shows that sugar may be responsible for more biodiversity loss than any other crop. In comparison, cane sugar, an incredibly land-intensive monoculture crop, requires large amounts of fertilizers and pesticides, which pollute the surrounding land and water.

Coconut Palm Trees do Not Produce Carbon Emissions

The production of Covico coconut sugar is carbon negative, meaning that our coconut sugar not only doesn’t harm the environment, but it also helps it! Coconut trees act as carbon sinks that counter the effects of climate change by sequestering carbon dioxide by the biomass and the soil of the ecosystem. At Covico, we even further increase carbon sequestration through no-till and agroforestry methods. By switching just one ton of sugar usage from cane sugar to coconut sugar, we can prevent approximately 241 kg of carbon dioxide equivalent from being released into the atmosphere. This is the equivalent of the CO2 emissions from over 5 billion homes’ energy use for one year!

Purchasing Covico Coconut Sugar Means Supporting Indonesian Farmers, Their Families, and Their Communities

Covico coconut nectar was born out of the necessity to directly connect Indonesia’s coconut farmers with the world’s growing demand for healthier sugar alternatives. We work on an exclusive basis with our over 2,000 farms. It is our mission to ensure that mutually rewarding trade exists with our farmers and that their families, villages, and new generations share in the worldwide growth of the coconut nectar industry. We have implemented socioeconomic programs to help educate villagers in giving back to their own communities, and we support their efforts by paying them more than fair prices for their products. Quality coconut nectar products come with equal happiness, from farm, to village, to producer!

So, ready to get some Covico coconut sugar of your own? Shop Covico coconut sugar now:

Have questions or need a bit more information before committing to Covico coconut sugar? Contact to chat with our sales team and learn more about Covico coconut sugar today.

Also be sure to check out our brand new online store, where you'll find individual bulk bags and boxes of our evaporated coconut water and coconut milk powder in addition to coconut sugar.


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